[STATEMENT] Condemning Violence Against Migrants in Sunderland: Urgent Call to Action

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Statement of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) Europe

Attacks against immigrant workers, not only in United Kingdom but also across Europe, are becoming more frequent. These attacks are part of the policy of the right-wing governments that govern us and are carried out by groups of fascists with total impunity. Their aim is to create a climate of hatred and discrimination towards immigrants, making people believe that migrants are responsible for the crisis of the capitalist system. We also denounce certain media which, with false news, contribute to creating a climate of hatred, dangerous for peaceful coexistence between immigrant communities and local workers.

The recent cruel attacks against Filipino nurses in Sunderland are categorically condemned by the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) Europe. These NHS-essential healthcare workers were brutally ambushed while carrying out their vital tasks. It is outrageous that this blatant attack on migrants is happening, and immediate, uncompromising action is required.

During a disturbance on Friday night over the knife assault in Southport, angry crowds threw rocks and other projectiles at the cabs carrying these nurses. These nurses, called in for emergency coverage, went through an experience that glaringly highlights the risks that migrants endure on a daily basis.

Although we appreciate the arrests made by Northumbria Police and the promises given by Ken Bremner, the Chief Executive of the Sunderland and South Tyneside NHS Trust, these actions are woefully insufficient. The trauma these nurses experienced and the prevailing xenophobic atmosphere demand a drastic and immediate change in course.

The International Migrants Alliance demands that the governments of the Philippines and the United Kingdom take immediate, urgent action:

  1. Immediate Protection Measures: Tight protection guidelines for immigrants, especially those working in critical services, must be enforced by the UK government. This entails increased security presence, secure mobility as a given, and threat-neutralizing fast response units.

  2. Diplomatic Pressure and Intervention: The Philippine government needs to aggressively insist on giving Filipino migrants in the UK better rights and protection. Make use of all diplomatic channels to protect the dignity and safety of our nationals overseas.

  3. Unwavering Legal Repercussions: Both governments need to ensure that those who commit acts of such terrible brutality are subject to the strictest possible legal repercussions. Those that harass and injure migrants should not be given any grace periods.

  4. Community Organizing and Unity: We urge nearby communities in the UK to strongly decline xenophobia and actively support immigrants. Leaders in the community and grassroots organizations need to cultivate an atmosphere of radical solidarity and inclusivity.

  5. Strong Assistance Networks: Provide extensive, easily accessible networks of assistance for refugees who have experienced violence. This covers emergency aid services, safe housing options, and prompt mental health support.

  6. Systemic Change: Through educational initiatives, anti-racism campaigns, and legislative changes that support equality and justice for all migrants, address the underlying causes of xenophobia and violence.

The migrant workers who endure such harsh conditions, including the Filipino nurses, are truly remarkable for their bravery and commitment. Their efforts are priceless, and we must fight hard to defend their right to a respectable and safe workplace.

Moreover, it is crucial to acknowledge that the Labor Export Policy and neoliberal economic structures force countless Filipino workers to seek opportunities abroad. These policies prioritize profit over people, pushing workers into precarious conditions in foreign lands. The Philippines must critically reassess these exploitative policies and work towards creating sustainable, dignified employment opportunities at home.

The IMA is committed in its determination to continue upholding the rights and dignity of migrants everywhere. We expect the governments of the Philippines and the UK to act immediately and decisively to protect our communities and guarantee that these kinds of crimes are never again committed.

In solidarity,

The International Migrants Alliance (IMA) Europe

For further information, please contact IMA Europe International Coordinating Body

Luz Myriam Jaramillo: +39 349 087 8178 WhatsApp

Eunice de Asis: +31 649057905 WhatsApp

Email: imaeurope.sect@gmail.com


Communique of the IMA International Coordinating Body Meeting


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