Communique of the IMA International Coordinating Body Meeting

Translation: Bahasa | Español | Français

Penang, Malaysia | 18 and 20 June 2024

To: ALL Members of the International Migrants Alliance

From: The Executive Committee

Date: 29 July 2024

Dear Members of the IMA,

Warm solidarity greetings!

We in the Executive Committee are very pleased to share with you the unities and plans deliberated and agreed upon by the members of the International Coordinating Body (ICB) when we gathered in a hybrid meeting in Penang, Malaysia, on June 18 and 20, 2024. 

All 18 members of the ICB were present or represented in the meeting – 15 were present physically, three of whom were proxied; 3 attended virtually. The one-and-a-half day was rather short for the meeting, but nevertheless, we achieved so much in terms of discussing the most urgent issues confronting migrants and refugees globally; our accomplishments and challenges in pursuing the annual plan for July 2023-June 2024; and what we can and are strong-willed to achieve in the next year (July 2024-June 2025).

We hope that through this communique, we can relay to you the excitement and resolve of the ICB members in reaching more heights in waging and winning more campaigns, building solidarity and strengthening our migrant movement.

We have divided this communique into three: first, the issues confronting us and how IMA looks at these issues; second, our achievements and challenges for the past year; and third, our plans for July 2024 to June 2025.

Power to grassroots migrants and the people,

Eni Lestari for the IMA International Coordinating Body

Click here to see the complete file!


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