[ONLINE FORUM] Education for Exploitation—What is Education Trafficking?

Part of IMA’s 9 Days of Migrant and Refugee Activism, Dec 10-18, 2024
IMA Canada International Migrants Alliance - Canada Chapter
Union Network of Migrants NZ
Support Network for International Students - SNIS
New York/Montreal/Quito (GMT–5): Tuesday December 17th, 19:00
Manila/Hong Kong/Taipei/Kuala Lumpur (GMT +8): Wednesday December 18th, 08:00
Registration and Zoom link: https://bit.ly/IMAeducationtrafficking
Language interpretation available in Spanish and Bahasa.
Education trafficking is the exploitation of international students by immigration agents, private education providers, and employers through three main elements:
deception of students in their home countries,
debt bondage, and;
workplace exploitation.
The phrase was coined in 2016 by organisers in Migrante Aotearoa. Education systems around the world are plagued with fraudulent providers, due to the growing privatisation of education and training sectors. With false promises of visas and valid qualifications, students are lured overseas and deceived upon arrival. Former international students have reported inadequate support, exorbitant fees, abuse and threats of deportation. They are abandoned by agencies and become undocumented, barred from essential services, and unable to afford food and housing.
This online forum will explore education trafficking from the perspective of a sending country (Indonesia) and receiving countries (Canada, Australia, Aotearoa). We invite everyone to attend this important forum to learn and raise awareness among our communities on this rapidly emerging form of human trafficking.