No To APEC Webinar: APEC and the Militarization of "Free Trade"

Join the next No To APEC webinar: APEC and the Militarization of "Free Trade"

September 28

3pm Hawai'i

6pm Pacific

8pm Central

9pm Eastern

September 29

8am Jakarta

9am Manila / Hong Kong

10am Tokyo

11am Sydney

Both the Asia Pacific Economic Framework (APEC) and the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) are tools with which big business seeks to secure its interests in maximizing profit over the lives of the rest of us. But history and current events remind us that economic rivalry will only lead to military rivalry if left unchecked on the global stage.

Join the No to APEC Coalition in exposing the key role of free trade agreements and institutions in driving militarism and the build up to war around the world, all to line the pockets of the riches business owners. Hear how rising militarization is affecting people on all sides of the Pacific Rim and how they are fighting back.

#no2apec #notoapec #notoipef #peopleoverprofit


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