Solidarity Video - Migrants, STAND! (Speak the Truth, Never Again to Dictatorship)

Migrants from all over the world stand in solidarity with the Filipino people’s struggle for human rights and democracy.

The declaration of Martial Law in 1972 in the Philippines saw the rise of gross human rights violations and worsening political and economic conditions — using labor export policy programs to enforce Filipino workers as human capital who bore the brunt of the dictatorial regime's failures.

To this, migrants from all over the world join the Filipinos in clamoring for an end to dictatorship and injustice:

End Labor Export Policy!

Junk Anti-Terror Law!

No to Historical Revisionism!

Never Again to Martial Law!





IMA Global - The Second Orientation, 7 October 2023


No To APEC Webinar: APEC and the Militarization of "Free Trade"