Migrants, refugees and peoples of the world, let’s mobilise in our millions for Palestine: End the genocide! End the occupation!

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Statement of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) on the one-year anniversary of the Zionist Israel attack on Gaza

7 October 2024

We in the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) express our strongest solidarity with the Palestinian people on this day October 7—the one year anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood resistance movement, and the consequent genocidal attack on Gaza by Zionist Israel supported by the US and its Imperialist allies.

As the world witnessed in just one year what fascism and imperialism are capable of, we also learned the powerlessness of international legal bodies such as the United Nations and the International Court of Justice, at preventing or stopping these powers. Words are meaningless without action, and so we give our highest salute to peoples’ movements who have stood by Palestine and governments who have expressed their support and solidarity for Palestine. Those who have stood their ground and defended Palestine, like Yemen and Iran, are experiencing heavy sanctions and military invasions yet they continue to fight back.

More than 1.9 million Palestinians from Gaza have been displaced and countless lives have been lost due to the Israeli airstrikes, relocation orders and various violent attacks from Israel just this past year. Yet the Palestinian people, be it in Gaza or overseas, continue to express their resistance and gather the support and solidarity of the world’s people.

We also condemn the expansionist aggression Zionist Israel towards Lebanon, which threatens the people of Lebanon and the migrant and refugee communities. This escalation poses a threat to regional stability and worsens the already harsh conditions faced by migrant workers who are already caught in the crossfire of imperialist wars. This act of aggression should immediately and unconditionally cease.

Imperialist aggression and war continue to ravage Palestine and various parts of the world, hence the need for us to stand up for one another, organise our communities, and hold broad yet militant actions to fight against our common enemy—imperialism and its supporting structures. We must continuously study the mechanisms of imperialism and how it is forcefully ingrained in our culture, education and everyday consumption. This is the most effective, lasting and meaningful way for all of us to help the people of Palestine, and elsewhere there is injustice.

Every day, we see and participate in various actions and mobilisations held by millions of people around the world protesting against the genocide in Palestine. Amidst difference in views, we mobilise in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle and encourage more migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and peoples to express their solidarity through various means like donations, public rallies, or boycotts. Wherever we may be, let us express our support for Palestine.

We in the IMA are proud to be a part of the international movement for Palestine and its people fighting Israeli Zionist occupation and attack and for the millions of peoples resisting imperialist wars and proxy wars.

The IMA reiterates our calls for an immediate ceasefire and cessation of the occupation by the Zionist Israel State in Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights. We call for the complete dissolution of Zionist entities, including the US, in Palestinian Territory and the whole Levant. The IMA has, and always will actively support the Palestinian people’s right to resist and defend themselves against any invasive powers that harm their lives and livelihood.


Reference: Eni Lestari, IMA chairperson


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