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International Migrants Alliance Press Release for November 18 Global Online Rally

Reference: Eni Lestari, Chairperson, ima.sect@gmail.com 

NOVEMBER 18 – Over 100 participants gathered online to hear migrant worker leaders speak out against neoliberalism and imperialist wars of aggression, in line with the Peoples Global Days of Action Against APEC led by the No to APEC Coalition between November 11 to 17. Hosted by the International Migrants Alliance (IMA), the global online rally called A World Without Forced Migration and Imperialism! Global Speak Out of Migrants, Refugees, and Host Peoples against Neoliberal Exploitation and War was live streamed and viewed by over 200 viewers.

The global online rally featured a gathering of migrant worker leaders from all over the world representing various sectors. Interspersed among the many speeches were video performances of people's organizations all over the globe offering poems, dances, and songs of various types. The breaks also featured video highlights of the Peoples Global Days of Action Against APEC and the fierce mobilizations of the people in the western part of the United States. The evening was a moment for migrant workers to unite with the global working class and their allies on the situation, struggles, demands and contributions of migrant workers, refugees, and displaced people.

Emcees Sring Atin (Asian Migrants Coordinating Body – AMCB) and Fatima Barron (PINAY Quebec) introduced IMA Vice Chairperson, Antonio Arizaga. Antonio emphasized the critical role of the struggle of migrants against neoliberal institutions such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). APEC, along with other neoliberal institutions, expand corporate profits at the expense of migrants, refugees, displaced people, and even the environment. Antonio, who was present in the mobilizations in San Francisco described how thousands of people marched through the streets in defense of the self-determination of the peoples, condemning imperialist wars and calling for the resistance of the peoples against neoliberalism and neo-fascism, and demanding money for health and education instead of war expenses. Antonio condemned the genocide against the Palestinian people, expressing solidarity with the peoples' struggle for liberation, and urge everyone to maintain resistance and struggle for a new world of peace, freedom, and justice. Antonio’s introduction was followed by a short video demonstrating the vibrant people’s movement against neoliberalism and war in the streets of San Francisco.

Man Chi Hong, Chairperson of TransAsia Sisters Association of Taiwan, and Marina Kabo, union leader and Coordinator of Collectif Dafadoy began the program. Man Chi described how government bureaucracy and unrealistic requirements keep many marriage migrants trapped in limbo with regards to immigration status. Without receiving permanent residency or citizenship, many of them are left vulnerable and without proper protections, becoming especially vulnerable to restrictions on mobility during the pandemic and more recently online scams. Many have grown old without proper status and cannot access elderly care. Man Chi urged everyone to unite in the struggles of marriage migrants. Marina describes how neoliberal policies in Africa has put the nations and peoples there in a position where their natural resources are extracted for the benefit of major corporations, causing people to migrate out of desperation. The desperation makes migrant workers from Africa vulnerable, facing discrimination and lack of access to welfare and protections during the COVID pandemic.

Manuel Hidalgo (MIREDES International) and Natividad Obeso (AMUMRA) followed. Manuel emphasized how important the Peoples Global Days of Action against APEC were in raising awareness for the working people of the roots of their conditions of exploitation. Many in Latin America might believe that the poor economic situation of their countries is only rooted in government corruption and endemic factors. Yet, the reality is that neoliberal policies, imperialist aggression, and economic blockades, guide and shape the economic and political landscape of workers, peasants, and oppressed people. Many are forced to migrate, face irregular immigration status, and as a result discrimination and further exploitation. Natividad expanded on the conditions described by Manuel from the perspective of domestic workers. In response, domestic workers came together to convene the IX Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Domestic Workers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. About 80 women from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Argentina met to analyze the current situation of domestic workers in Latin America and the Caribbean. They found their situation to be extreme vulnerability, working in informal conditions, without access to legal or judicial resources. Many are undocumented migrants or refugees. The domestic workers put together 9 calls and demands calling for the ratification of labor protections, livable wages, and other protections. Following a strong condemnation of the genocide in Gaza, Nati’s manifestation was followed by a cultural performance of women’s organizations during the Peoples Global Days of Action against APEC.

The next set of speakers were Terry Valen (IMA USA) and Edith de la Paz, a union worker member of Starbucks Workers United. Terry provided a more comprehensive report of the Peoples Global Days of Action against APEC mentioned by Manuel and Antonio. Terry emphasized the role of direct action by people’s organizations to confront the leaders of big corporations backing APEC and other neoliberal institutions. Terry also highlighted the No to APEC Coalition’s points of unity: to oppose APEC as an elitist club of the rich and big business; to oppose APEC’s free trade policies exploiting workers and nations; to oppose the false solutions to people’s issues that APEC pushes; and to support the right of nations and peoples to self-determination and sovereignty. Edith highlighted the role of workers in the people’s struggle against APEC. Starbucks workers oppose the use of automation and other tools to exploit and replace workers and as a union busting tactic. Edith noted that corporations also use tactics of outsourcing of workers, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, and exploitation of migrants to increase exploitation of workers. Edith emphasized that the solidarity of workers across the globe is important to stand against the extractive aims of big corporations. The program continued with another cultural performance, urging continued action and rage against those who aim to exploit and oppress the people. The participants chanted in agreement No To APEC! PEOPLE AND PLANET over PROFIT AND PLUNDER! And The people united, will never be Defeated! in various languages.

The program continued with Joy, an undocumented migrant farm worker in Canada, and Luz Myriam, Secretary of Comitato Immigrati in Italia. Joy joins the call of migrant workers for status for all. Joy describes how many migrants take on precarious programs such as the farm worker programs out of desperation, leaving families behind to find ways to better support their families. Because of the harsh conditions of work amounting to modern enslavement, Joy and many others are forced to leave their work to find health care. However, because of Canada’s closed work permit program, such a decision forces migrants to become undocumented. Joy emphasized that undocumented workers are fighting for their dignity, to have proper healthcare and access to protections and resources. Luz noted that refugees in Europe face the same conditions of desperation then exploitation, forcing them in precarious and vulnerable positions. The conditions of working refugees remain unaddressed as the European Union has yet to implement new laws and protections. Most of the refugees end up being part of informal markets, with starvation wages, often living in inhumane conditions. In solidarity with other working people across the globe, Luz called on everyone to reject inter-capitalist wars, of plunder of our resources, wars are paid for by the peoples in lives and economically.

Given the current condition of siege, bombardment, and genocide in Gaza, the program turned to highlighting the struggle for liberation in Palestine, beginning with a solidarity action in Hong Kong and Macau from various migrant workers and domestic workers. Lyra of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network provided a broader context of the situation. Lyra emphasized that the genocide in Gaza is a recent development of a continued occupation of Palestine that has been going on for over 70 years. Israeli occupation has brought death, apartheid, and displacement to Palestine even before the recent events, under a “manifest destiny” type of ideology called Zionism. Palestinian resistance should be understood in the context of the ongoing occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Lyra also acknowledged that continued solidarity with Palestinians has helped to awaken the world to the aggression tactics of US imperialism and its allies. Yet, imperialists continue to be brazen with their intent and have signed contracts for oil and other resources in Gaza while the attack is ongoing. Lyra urged everyone to continue to struggle and provide solidarity to Palestine liberation in many ways such as boycotts, mass demonstrations, and others. The participants chanted From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!

The program gave a short highlight to the plight of forced migrants and victims of trafficking such as Mary Jane Veloso and family before concluding the program with a moving speech from IMA Chairperson, Eni Lestari. Eni emphasized that IMA, migrant workers, refugees, and displaced people remain allies in solidarity with people over profit. Eni called on everyone to oppose APEC and neoliberal institutions in order to end exploitation, displacement, impoverishment, destabilization, and war. Eni noted that the exploitation of migrant workers is for the purpose of super profits of big corporations especially during times of crisis such as COVID. Eni urged everyone to continue to fight against exploitation and strengthen the struggle of grassroots migrants and refugees, women, and workers in all industries.

Down neoliberalism! End war! No To APEC! PEOPLE AND PLANET over PROFIT AND PLUNDER! The people united, will never be Defeated! ¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido! ¡Viva La Solidaridad internacional! Long live international solidarity!


Article on “Understanding the Situation in Palestine” Webinar


IMA Webinar on Climate and Migration - December 9