Article on “Understanding the Situation in Palestine” Webinar

The attacks and siege carried out by the Israeli government since early October have increased the suffering and death of the Palestinians. 

Nerdeen Kiswani, the founder and chair of Within Our Lifetime - United for Palestine, was invited by IMA to explain in detail what is really happening in Palestine, on the webinar “Understanding the Situation in Palestine”. The webinar was held on October 18 and attended by around 150 participants, IMA also explained our position as an alliance that defends the human rights of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced people.

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land has forced millions of Palestinians to leave their homeland since 1948. People have been killed, displaced internally, and become refugees all around the world, without the right to return to their homeland. According to Nerdeen, there are 1.1 million Palestinians that are being ordered to evacuate from Gaza. However, it is impossible for them to evacuate because they are not allowed to leave Gaza by land, air, or sea. If they try it, they’re immediately shot. 

Nerdeen explained that the violence committed by the Israeli government has massive support from the imperialist countries. By allowing the Israeli government to continue attacking Palestine, these countries support human rights violations. However, in spite of the violence happening in Palestine, Nerdeen believes that there are many people who support the struggle of the Palestinian people to be free from occupation. It can be seen by masses that held protest actions in Colombia, the US, the Philippines, Yemen, Jordan, and Egypt; protesting against their governments that do not support the liberation of the Palestinians. It is also highlighted by Nerdeen that we need to remind people what is happening in Palestine is a political struggle and not only just humanitarian cause. Palestinians would not need humanitarian help/support if it’s not because of the Israeli occupation and siege on Gaza. Also, we need to address the root of the cause that killed the Palestinians, like the military support sent by the US to the Israeli government and weapons manufacturing companies that produced bombs and weapons that killed Palestinians.

After Nerdeen explained the background of what started the genocide in Palestine and what is currently happening there, the session continued to the open forum. One of the questions that arose was about how the genocide that occurred in Palestine was associated with religious issues. Nerdeen clearly answered that the genocide in Palestine is not related to any religion. Faith cannot be used to justify the violence and massacre of the Palestinian people. It would be hypocritical if we say that we are people of faith but we turn a blind eye to the struggle of the people in Palestine. Nerdeen ended the session by stating that many people want to make the issue become complicated. However, actually, it is very simple. It’s the issue of colonization. Just like the US and other colonizing countries used to do, killing indigenous people to establish their governments is also what is happening in Palestine. Nerdeen believes that Palestine can be free and the Palestinians scattered around the world can return to their homeland. The Palestinian people will continue to fight for independence and ask the people of the world to support this struggle. Nerdeen added that anyone who supports colonization and oppression is also supporting Israel's occupation of Palestine. Whereas anyone, who is currently resisting oppression and fighting for freedom, they are fighting together with the Palestinian people.

IMA stands with the oppressed Palestinians. Together we support the struggle of the people in Palestine. Palestinians deserve to be free from oppression, violence, and war, and go back to their homeland. This struggle is not only the struggle of the Palestinians only, but also the people of the world. The webinar ended with a group photo and a call from the participants for an immediate end to Israel's attacks on Palestine and for Palestinian independence. Participants carried posters they had prepared and chanted "Free Palestine!", “End the Siege of Gaza!”,“End the Occupation of Palestine!”


[REMINDER] "Climate and Migration" Webinar - December 9, 2023
