IMA Canada Assembly
The IMA Canada Assembly will be held on May 4-5, 2024 at the Université de Montréal, titled: “Neoliberalism and Forced Migration: Build The Anti-Imperialist Migrants Movement.”

Rome, Italy - IMA Members Marched for Palestine Liberation
IMA members marched through the streets of Rome, Italy last October 28, amplifying calls for the liberation of Palestine from Israeli occupation.

IMA Members: Mobilization Protest In Auckland, New Zealand
IMA members join the weekend mobilization protest in Auckland, New Zealand to take a stand against imperialism and wars of aggression, and amplify the call to free Palestine.

Experience Sharing and Group Discussion On Challenges Faced by Bangladeshi Migrants in Malaysia
Migrant workers and advocacy groups came together on July 6, 2023, to discuss the struggles and experiences of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia.
Seminar on Neoliberalism and Migration (Malaysia)
On June 5, more than 50 Malaysia-based migrant and refugee leaders, civil society groups as well as members of the International Coordinating Body participated in a seminar workshop on neoliberalism and migration co-organised by the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) and TENAGANITA.