Workers and Migrants, Unite Against Neoliberalism and War! Fight for a world for the people, free from Plunder and imperialist war!
People Over Profit (POP) and the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) invite all workers, migrants, and peace advocates to the Workers Solidarity Event this June 19-20 in Cititel Penang, Malaysia. At the 2024 International Festival for People's Rights and Struggles (IFPRS 2024), we will be hosting a conference and exhibit on the role of neoliberalism in the rising wave of militarism and war.

From APEC to IPEF: Ravaging the Global South
The webinar will feature rich discussion on free trade and neoliberal globalization, with APEC as one example of multilateral agreements that have destroyed economies of the South in order to buoy the rich economies of the North (e.g. US) and swell the profits of the TNCs.