Uphold Inclusion, Provide Services and Protection, and Advance the Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers amidst Global Health and Economic Crisis

Statement of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) for 
the International Domestic Workers' Day
16 June 2020

On the occasion of the International Day of Domestic Workers, the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) calls for immediate actions to the problems of migrant domestic workers that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic, and for a change in the system shaped by imperialist neoliberalism that put the tens of millions of MDWs in a the condition of vulnerability and insecurity that the pandemic has thoroughly exposed.

Like many other fellow workers, the COVDI-19 threatens the health, livelihood and life of migrant domestic workers.

MDWs are some of the most vulnerable to the grave impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. They are at risk of infection as their work exposes them to crowds, the added needs for protective measures are a burden to their low wage, they have no guaranteed social protection, their labor rights are not covered by most labor laws, and they are excluded from aid needed to weather the crisis situation.

These impacts are enabled by the exploitative and oppressive situation of MDWs resulting from and perpetuated by imperialist control of the global economic and political situation through its twin weapons of neoliberalism, and war and conflict.

MDWs come from countries whose development is stunted by imperialist agenda. They are in a perpetual crisis that produces a vast army of unemployed, underemployed and displaced peoples who are then forced to migrate for any job available including domestic work with low wage, long working hours, insecure, without proper accommodation, and excluded from labor standards.

Similar to other foreign workers, MDWs are also unfairly scapegoated during periods of crisis to cover up the neoliberal schemes that dictate labor flexibility, unbridled deregulation, and privatization of health and other essential public services for the benefit of private and corporate profits.

In the face of the hardships of MDWs aggravated by the pandemic, even the shortcomings of the ILO Convention No. 189 or the Domestic Workers Convention the approval of which is commemorated today are exposed as many countries still refuse to ratify the convention and its enforcement is also not ensured.

Governments of both countries of destination and countries of origin must be made to: (1) Ensure the health and safety of MDWs against the COVID-19; (2) Protect the employment and labor rights of MDWs; (3) Stop the criminalization of undocumented MDWs; (4) Include MDWs to aid and relief programs; and (5) Provide repatriation and livelihood support for MDWs who lose their job due to the pandemic.

More importantly, the IMA calls for a change in development strategy that advances and repackages imperialist globalization, preserves inequalities and inequities, and deodorizes the inhumane labor export and commodification of migrants in the name of migration for development.

While the COVID-19 has heightened the peoples sufferings, it also heightened the grassroots awareness of the fundamental flaws of the current system. The IMA will continue to be one with the peoples movements around the world in advancing the change that will truly serve the peoples rights and wellbeing.

Fight for inclusion, services, protection and rights of migrant domestic workers!
Resist neoliberal design on health, labor and migration!
Struggle against imperialism!
Long live international solidarity!


First-ever Global Online Rally of Migrant Domestic Workers! Inclusion, Protection, Services and Rights for Migrant Domestic Workers Successfully Held with 500 Migrants, Advocates Worldwide


JOIN US! Global Online Rally of Migrant Domestic Workers for Inclusion, Services, Protection and Rights (June 16)