#BlackLivesMatter: Solidarity for justice and against attacks to life and rights

The International Migrants Alliance is one with the peoples in the USA and in the world in demanding justice for George Floyd and other people of color, who suffered murder and injustices under the reactionary Trump government. We are one with you in calling for justice and an end to white supremacy, racism and attacks to people of color, including migrants who are regular targets of violent arrests, detention and deportation.

George Floyd was murdered by police last May 25, 2020. George is one among the many African-Americans who were murdered by police operations. Before the murder of George, Breonna Taylor, 26 years old, was shot at least 8 times and killed in her own home. Ahmaud Arbery, 25 years old, was executed and caught on camera by a former police officer and his son. Eric Garner, another African-American was also murdered by police in 2014. The list is long, chilling and infuriating.

Like African-Americans and other people of color, migrants and refugees are not new to racism and xenophobia. The daily oppression, racial profiling, excessive policing and other injustices experienced by African-Americans are also being suffered by migrants and refugees. 

Racism and xenophobia is magnified, especially during the pandemic. Many of those who died due to the pandemic are people of color,  migrants and refugees. They are also the same people who do not have access or are excluded from essential health care and protection against the pandemic. During the lockdown, they perform frontline work, contributing plenty in our common fight against the virus but receiving meagre protection, support and even job security.

The protests around the country demanding justice for George Floyd, demanding structural changes in race relations and demanding an end to racism are met with the same violence that killed George Floyd and countless others.
Similarly in other countries, during these times of the pandemic that heightened the economic and social crisis already brewing before COVID-19 hit, violence, threats of violence or weaponizing the response to COVID-19 are the answers of states to people, including migrants and refugees, demanding for services, protection and solution to widespread and deepening poverty, unemployment and diminishing public services. Raids and arrests are being conducted against migrants, refugees and even their rights defenders.

Oppression of people of color, migrants, immigrants and refugees is deeply rooted in the capitalist system that perpetuates their poverty, insecurity and vulnerability. They are part of the cheap labor force that fuels the system even when they are scapegoated during times of crisis and unjustly perceived as freeloaders on services that capitalism denies from the majority.
In these times of pandemic and crisis, solidarity between peoples is even more important. We are together against the structural oppression on African-Americans and other people of color brought by imperialism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of reaction that exploits and oppresses the many for the benefit of a few.

We call on to the members of the IMA around the world to support the calls by the American people for justice and change. We rage: Justice for George Floyd and other victims of police violence! No Justice, No Peace! End Xenophobia! End racism!




Migrants and Refugees for Black Lives! Down with White Supremacy, Fascism, & Imperialism!