Migrants and Peoples Unite Against Trump’s Racism and Xenophobia

IMA Statement on Trump’s “shithole” remarks on El Salvador, Haiti and several African countries15 January 2018“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” - Donald Trump, January 11, 2018The International Migrants Alliance (IMA) condemns in the strongest terms the racist and xenophobic statements made by US President Donald Trump last January 11, 2018, during a meeting with US lawmakers, as the US government discusses a new immigration policy. Trump particularly mentioned nationals of Haiti, El Salvador and several African countries as "persons from shithole countries"."Such brazen disrespect for peoples will only fan the flames of hate directed against migrants, especially those in the United States," says IMA Chairperson Eni Lestari. "At present, many migrants are already under attack, but the Trump declaration will embolden racist attacks against migrants and people of color."According to Lestari, this Trump tirade underscores the racist policy of his administration, while at the same time, glosses over the fact that many of the countries Trump mentioned became and remains poor because of foreign plunder. "Africa is rich in natural resources but pillaging of their natural resource by colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist powers have robbed the people of their wealth.""Under neoliberalism, migrants are part of the marauding of wealth. Migrants provide cheap and docile labour crucial in increasing capital accumulation in the hands of the few," opined Lestari.Trump’s racism has garnered international condemnations including strongly worded statements from the African Union and several governments like El Salvador. The IMA calls on all migrants and people to combat Trump’s racist statements and actions."Migrants and the freedom-loving people of the world need to unite and persist against racism, xenophobia and imperial plunder. As long as there are racists like Trump, we should continue with our struggle," concluded Lestari.Reference:Eni Lestari, chairperson


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