[SUMMARY ARTICLE] IMA EC Meeting - 16 February 2025
On February 16, 2025, at 8:30 AM Manila time, members of the Executive Committee (Eni Lestari, Antonio Arizaga, Manuel Hidalgo, and Terry Valen) gathered and discussed:
The concept draft and proposals for the venue of the 6th Global Assembly (GA) of IMA;
The current situation in the US, regarding the new regulations passed by the Trump administration;
the impact of these regulations on the migrant communities in the US, and what actions IMA USA would take in response to the arising issues, and;
The upcoming ICB meeting.
The meeting which lasted about an hour was lively and filled with questions and suggestions from the Executive Committee members. Eni Lestari led the meeting and explained the proposed location of the 6th GA and why the GA would be held in the proposed place. Terry Valen explained that there would be many members from the US who would not be able to join the 6th GA because of the political instability in the country and their status. As a result, IMA USA members planned to gather and discuss what the communities needed and the actions they would take. The result of their meeting would be taken and shared in the 6th GA.
The EC members hope that in the upcoming ICB meeting, the ICB members will provide more input on the concept draft of the 6th GA that had been shared by the Secretariat. IMA USA would also present and explain the issues that have arisen and what actions can be taken together as IMA Global in response to the Trump administration's decisions, which are heavily inclined towards capitalist elites.