Message of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA)International Labor Day 2020


On the occasion of the International Labour Day, the International Migrants Alliance (IMA) calls on to all our fellow migrants, immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples to mark this day with our unity and solidarity in advancing our rightful calls to protect our persons and families against the COVID-19 virus, uphold our rights as workers and peoples, resist imperialist neoliberal impositions to health and labour, and realize a truly just system for the many who are exploited and oppressed by the capitalist system obsessed with private profits.

We offer our most militant tribute to migrant and immigrant frontliners who have fallen – doctors and nurses in the UK, the US, and elsewhere – as they perform their duties. We give our highest regard to all other migrant frontliners, in the health sector as well as all essential services, who brave the risks of daily exposure as they continue to work.

As shown by the situation now, migrants, immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples are part of the most vulnerable during this time of the pandemic that aggravates the crisis already spinning out of proportion way before COVID-19 exploded globally.

This vulnerability stems from the deteriorating access to free and sufficient health care system, the extreme flexibilization of migrant labor, and the intensifying problems of poverty, unemployment and displacement in countries of origin that make it impossible for migrants to return home for good.

Such resulted from the continued adherence to neoliberal doctrine espoused by imperialists that shapes migrants to be the cheap and disposable labor needed in industrial, service and agricultural sectors. We are molded to be the modern-day slaves of host countries and the export commodities of our own governments.

Worse, the pandemic is being used now in many countries to heighten tracking of undocumented migrants as a collateral benefit of monitoring infections and restricting access to purchase of personal protective equipment.

Everywhere, we see neglect of the health and wellbeing of migrants from insufficient provision of PPE to those in need to lack of access – because of undocumented status or lack of money – even to the simplest need of facemasks or alcohol. Explosion of cases in Singapore and Qatar, for example, shed light to the dire and cramped living condition of migrant workers in industrial estates and labour camps.

As workers, many migrants are now out of employment, suffering from loss or reduced income, are in danger of becoming undocumented, or have already been forcibly repatriated as even so-called voluntary repatriation is only taken when facing the uncertainties back home appears to be a better choice than staying overseas without any means of support.

Migrants are the most expendable workforce during this time of crisis. As most migrants are in the informal, low- to semi-skilled, and precarious work, the pandemic that has exacerbated the economic contraction and slowdown in many countries has put the jobs of migrants, at risk. In fact, thousands of migrants have already been stranded when lockdowns were implemented and could not go back to the country where they work. Migrants in sectors most affected – including entertainment, education, among others – have unceremoniously lost their jobs and have dim prospects of resuming work.

Due to our temporary and, in many cases, undocumented status, migrants are not covered by economic packages for workers which doubles the problem of lack of income source even for their daily needs.

Meanwhile, governments of countries of origin are very much unprepared to protect and care for their own people. On-site services have been severely limited while relief for families and repatriated migrants have been totally absent or have been given only to very few. No prospect for decent employment is prepared for stranded and repatriated migrant workers.

But amidst these hardships, it is important that we continue to fight for our rights as workers and more importantly, for a change in the system where we are treated with dignity, equality and justly.

It is inspiring that everywhere, migrants and advocates, despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic, continue to respond to the most urgent issues and concerns of migrants, immigrants, refugees and the displaced.

Services are continuously provided to those in crisis situation despite limitations in mobility. Mutual support and aid are given to those without food and other needs. Learnings are conducted through means available including online discussions and studies.

Very important are the political campaigns waged on the ground from issues of exclusion to humanitarian considerations for undocumented migrants. Creative means are utilized to make our issues visible and, in many areas, gains are achieved in terms of service provision, amnesty and even legal extension of stay.

Our struggles are ever present and with militance, we must persevere, as the threats to us as workers are intensified nowadays.

We should continue to build our movements on the ground and strengthen our unity as migrants, immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples. As we build our solidarity among ourselves, we also unite with the workers and peoples where we live and work. Moreover, we merge our strength with the people’s movements in our home country that aim to address the roots causes of our forced displacement.

As imperialism intensifies its exploitation, oppression and attacks to workers and people through neoliberalism and war, we must also intensify our struggle for a system that shall liberate us from modern-day slavery and commodification of our labour. Our fight against the pandemic is not only against the virus, but against all forms of reaction that put the majority in miseries while a few corners resources and wealth we create.

Onwards with the worker’s struggles!
Resist neoliberal attacks against migrants and workers!
Down with imperialism!
Long live international solidarity!


Message of the International Migrants Alliance (IMA)International Labor Day 2020
