Communiqué of the Third General Assembly of the International Migrants’ Alliance (IMA)

Standing firm by the theme, “Strengthen Solidarity and Advance Our Struggles! Resist Neoliberal Attacks on Migrants and Peoples of the World!” the International Migrants’ Alliance (IMA) held its Third General Assembly on November 11-13, 2015 in Quezon City, Philippines with a renewed its commitment to further strengthen and consolidate the rank of migrants, immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples to end modern-day slavery, resist neoliberal globalization in all its forms and contribute to the global movement of peoples struggling to defeat imperialism.This is in line with the core identity of the IMA as a grassroots-led global movement of migrants and support institutions committed to the defense and promotion of their rights and wellbeing as a distinct sector in society. The IMA also serves as a major platform for engagement with migrants and advocates coming together to articulate and amplify the sector’s voice on critical issues affecting them. It is unwavering in its purpose to advance the struggle in the local, regional and international fronts. Recognizing the interconnectivity of the struggles of all oppressed and marginalized peoples, it is also part of the broad anti-imperialist movement in the world for justice, freedom, national liberation and genuine peace.The assembly - held just days before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in Manila - brought together 85 delegates and guests from 17 countries representing major global regions, including Latin America, Africa, Europe, United States, Canada, Asia and Oceania and the Middle East.IMG_9361As neoliberal globalization continues to bring detrimental impacts to many poor, underdeveloped countries amidst the crisis of the imperialist-dominated global economic and political system, IMA timed its assembly in order to be able to take part in the people’s actions in Manila against the APEC.It was in this vein that Rina Anastacio, Vice-Chairperson of Migrante International, the global alliance of Filipino migrant organizations, welcomed the assembly participants and guests. She congratulated the IMA for its militancy in confronting the system that transforms migrants as modern-day slaves, and for remaining as the only global alliance of migrants, immigrants and refugees led by the grassroots.
Afterwards, the IMA General Program of Action for 2015-2018 was approved. The context and general direction of plans and tasks for the next 3 years were laid down giving particular stress on education and information, campaigns and mobilization, international advocacy and strengthening the alliance organizationally so it may effectively and decisively resist and fight the onslaught of imperialism. It likewise stressed the importance of solidarity among member organizations, on the one hand, and the rest of the oppressed and impoverished peoples of the world, on the other, as the only assurance that the struggle of migrants, immigrants, refugees and displaced peoples against imperialism will advance.Amendments to the IMA Constitution where then ratified including the streamlining of the International Coordinating Body (ICB).Earlier on, delegates in their regional caucuses selected their representative to the ICB. Similarly, associate members also held a separate caucus to select their representative. An additional 7 members of the ICB were selected at large through an election process facilitated by members of the International Women’s Alliance or IWA. The following will constitute the IMA ICB for the next three years: Eni Lestari (AMCB, Hong Kong), Antonio Arizaga (FUIE, USA), Hsia Hsiao-Chuan (TASAT, Taiwan), Glorene Dass (Tenaganita, Malaysia), Sadeqa Siddiqi (Women of Diverse Origins, Canada), Luz Miriam Jaramillo (Comitato Degli Immigrati in Italia, Italy), Rina Anastacio (Migrante International, Philippines), Malick Sy (CNTS, Senegal), Terry Valen (USA), Grace Punongbayan (Migrante Europe, The Netherlands), Rev. Chang Jeong Won (Osan Migrants Center, South Korea) and Ramon Bultron (Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, Hong Kong). Karsiwen of ATKI-Indonesia and John Leonard Monterona of Migrante – KSA were elected as alternate members of the ICB.The ICB elected amongst them the Executive Committee. Eni Lestari was re-elected as chairperson of the alliance while Antonio Arizaga was elected as the new vice chairperson. Rina Anastacio (Secretary General), Hsia Hsiao-Chuan (Deputy Secretary General), and Glorene Dass (Treasurer) completed the roster of new officers.Quezon City, PhilippinesNovember 12-13, 2015

Statement of the International Migrants’ Alliance on 2015 International Human Rights Day and for the International Campaign vs. TPPA


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